التحلي بالموقف الإيجابي لتحقيق أهدافك

Personal and Organisational Resilience During Times of Uncertainty


Faith will talk about three key strategies Understanding the current situation (personal and organisational analysis) Defining your Why and Purpose Taking Actions – For each strategy, Faith will share practical tools to help you build resilience and grow during a time of uncertainties. What you will learn? Three practical strategies that will help you get unstuck, build resilience and emerge stronger during a time of change/uncertainty.   About Faith Faith Ruto (MBA, BSc) is the founding director of www.Transformation21st.com. Transformation21st Ltd  is an innovative personal development and change consultancy with a global client reach. Faith has delivered 100s of bespoke 1-2-1 and group coaching programmes for leaders and businesses going through change. Faith is a sought after keynote speaker and a published author. Faith has 12 years experience working for Shell and British Airways, leading global Tech projects to bring about business transformation and innovation. Faith’s new book – Transform Within – 7 Strategies for Professional Resilience and Growth. Transform Within is a powerful self-coaching book for busy professionals. It provides strategies to help you discover your purpose, confidence and resilience. A quote from Olympian Akwasi Frimpong – Ghana’s first Skeleton Athlete –  on Faith’s book: “Transform Within is a fascinating […]


12 Key Perils Leaders Avoid During Successful Organizations Transformations


Achieving competitive advantage in the healthcare industry has become more challenging due to the spikes in costs, and thus system optimization and economic stability have become imperative. During every organizational transformation there are many lesson learned both of what worked and what didn’t. In this webinar, Dr. Mohamed Saleh discusses his last two decades of learnings to avoid the perils of Lean. This will span from initiation of the transformation to maturity and provide relatable perspectives and challenging insights to leaders as they advance in one’s own journey. Dr. Mohamed will provide insights on: Expanding on areas to avoid as leaders embark or advance in an organizational transformation Addressing initial mistakes with the board and leadership teams How to get started Strategies to deploy Lean Management both for Hoshin Kanri and Daily Management Production system and selecting appropriate kaizens Training and building organizational problem solving muscle Technology and establishing an internal Lean Office   About Mohamed Saleh Dr. Mohamed Saleh is an executive Lean advisor, professor, founder of Vizibility LLC and the M+ Group. Dr. Saleh has a successful track record anchored in two decades of hands-on Lean experience with a strong interest in making a global difference by providing distinctive […]


تعمل من البيت؟ ليش ما تتعلم من البيت؟


أصبح الكثير منا يعمل من المنزل هذه الأيام لأول مرة في حياتنا المهنية وقد يعتبر هذا في حد ذاته تعلم شيء جديد.ا هناك العديد من وسائل التعلم الإلكتروني أو التدريب عن بعد التي قد تساعدنا في تطوير أنفسنا أو تحسين بعض الجدارات الأساسية لنا.ا لما لا تتحدى نفسك وتتعلم شيء جديد من المنزل؟ ستتطرق هذه الندوة إلى أهمية وسائل التعلم عن بعد وكيف نستطيع اختيار الوسائل المناسبة لمتطلباتنا.ا   نبذة عن خالد التركي خالد التركي استشاري في محتوى التعليم الإلكتروني، لديه ما يزيد عن ١٥ سنة من الخبرة الاستشارية في مجال الكوادر البشرية، عمل في عدد من المجالات المختلفة سواءً كمستشار أو مدير تنفيذي ولديه خبرة واسعة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي والشرق الأوسط. حاصل على كلاً من شهادة الماجستير من الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة، وشهادة البكالوريوس في علم الأحياء من جامعة دنفر. وأيضاً حصل على شهادة في ممارسة شؤون الموظفين (CPP) من معهد تشارترد للأفراد والتنمية (CIPD)، بالإضافة إلى شهادة الكفاءة في الاختبار المهني للمستوى (B plus, B & A) من جمعية علم النفس البريطانية (BPS). هو المؤسس والعضو المنتدب لشركة معرفة ديجيتال، وهي شركة استشارية متخصصة في تطوير برامج للتعليم الإلكتروني عن بُعد لتطوير الكوادر البشرية. قبل توليه المنصب الحالي، كان الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة (KNCT Consulting) ،ومديراً في […]

The Neuroscience of Human Emotion: Implications for Influence


Despite the common poetic description of emotion as taking place within the heart, modern neuroscience understands emotion to be an important function of the brain. That insight has implications for executives/experts in transforming organizations. In this webinar, Dr. Ravi Rao will review the emotional neuroscience of future uncertainty and offer a framework for communications in the era of coronavirus.   About Ravi Rao Ravi Rao is a Partner of the M-Plus Group, an advisory-coaching firm devoted to helping clients achieve organizational transformation. Originally trained as a physician and epidemiologist, he completed his doctoral studies at Johns Hopkins researching brain injury in preschool children. After postdoctoral training at Harvard and the Children’s Hospital of Boston, he became a consultant at McKinsey & Company for five years. After launching as an independent advisor in 2005, he has taught emotional neuroscience to companies in five continents in the pharmaceutical, entertainment, travel, insurance, and real estate industries. His 2012 book, “Emotional Business: Inspiring Human Connectedness to Grow Earnings and the Economy” peaked at #9 on Amazon’s best sellers in business. As a creative producer, his 2018 YouTube series for children “Hello Babies with Doctor Ravi” has been watched by children all over the world. […]

Learning and Development: Why training is not enough to get people trained to do their job


Spend on training varies across different organisations.  Research from Ebbinghaus in the 1880s to CIPD and Towards Maturity in 2020 tells us that much of this is ineffective and does not have the impact intended. This 30 minute webinar will explore some practical insights into how we can move employees from a passive state in training to being active in learning interventions.  It will also explore why this is so important, after all the role of learning and development is all about driving organisational performance.   About David Hayden  David is a Digital Learning Portfolio Manager working in the CIPD’s Learning Team. He leads on the design and delivery of a number of L&D focused products, along with facilitating events for a range of clients. David began his L&D career after taking responsibility for three Youth Trainees in 1988 as an Operations Manager. He has since worked and headed up, a number of corporate L&D teams and HR functions.  David’s background has been in distribution, retail, financial and public sector. He was Chair of the South Yorkshire CIPD Branch from 2012 for two years before joining the CIPD as an employee in 2014.  David also has a background in Lean […]

الأزمات فرص ثمينة للإبتكار


الأوقات الصعبة هي دائماً فرص للإبتكار. ستقدم حنان الإبتكار كطريقة للتفكير، وعقلية وثقافة يجب تعزيزها، وأن الإبتكار أكثر من مجرد كلمة رنانة شائعة. وستناقش حنان كيف يمكن لقادة الأعمال والأفراد تطوير الإبداع والإبتكار في حياتهم وعملهم.   نبذة عن حنان بن خلوق حنان بن خلوق مستشارة إدارية على نطاق واسع وحاصلة على جوائز متعددة في مجال الريادة والإبتكار وتطوير الكفاءات القيادية. تشغل حالياً منصب المدير التنفيذي لشركة. المختصة في استراتيجيات القيادة، وثقافة الإبتكار والتحول المؤسسي Sustain Leadership حنان بن خلوق خبيرة معتمدة في إدارة التغيير والإبتكار وتوجيه رواد الأعمال والمدراء التنفيذيينن. وهي متحدثة في مؤتمرات عالمية ومساهمة بمقالات في مجلات متعددة, نذكر منها مجلة فوربس، ومجلة هارفارد بيزنس ريفيو. وتطمح حنان بن خلوق أن تساهم بعملها لتحقيق رسالتها الأسمى وهي: نقل منطقتنا العربية إلى إقتصاد قائم على الإبتكار والمعرفة. ا Webinar   11:00 pm – 11:30 pm (Dubai Time) 10:00 pm – 10:30 pm (Riyadh Time) 9:00 pm – 9:30 pm (Cairo Time) Book Event

Thrive Together v Struggle Alone


If there is one thing the current global crisis has taught is, is that we are stronger together. How can we apply this going forward and now more than ever to make our business more sustainable.   About Phil Bedford Phil’s background is as diverse as it is impressive; he left school with only a few qualifications and started his working life as a dishwasher in a restaurant, even at times working up to 3 jobs. These jobs allowed him to put himself through university, graduating with a BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering and later a Masters in European Construction Engineering. Following this he has built his career path in both the UK and Dubai, starting in recruitment, before moving into the exhibition stand industry, real estate, and even owning kite surfing and Latin dance businesses. His accomplishments in these varied industries can be put down to his skill as a networker. Phil developed Asentiv an international franchise dedicated to developing and honing the business skills for entrepreneurs, with a specialty in relational marketing. These skills enable individuals to quickly and efficiently increase their business by building a dynamic and sustainable network. philb@asentiv.com Webinar   5:30 pm – 6:00 pm (Dubai Time) […]

Strategy and Adaptability Living in a VUCA World


In this webinar Fabio will talk about a term that is becoming more and more popular in today's world  'VUCA'. He will showcase the difference between traditional strategy vs VUCA strategy. The webinar will dive deeper into complexity and some ways on how to  manage it. Fabio  will share a  tool 'BPD' that he uses to better face a VUCA world.   About Fabio Camorani Fabio held various operation and quality positions throughout his career, he has been Lean Change Agent in Electrolux for many years, with long direct experience in the gemba, leading workshops and activities in Lean Thinking, Strategy Deployment, Safety and Lean Process Development, improving quality, cost and delivery. Winner of the EMS Electrolux Global Award, he also led projects for Lean sustainability and cultural change in Egypt (4 factories). Currently he is the Lean Manager for Italy, factories and warehouses, in Electrolux.   Webinar   7:30 PM– 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Italy Time) Book Event

القادة الناجحون : من جيد الى ممتاز


ستناقش الندوة العادات التي تعيق وصول القادة الى القمة. كلما تقدم القادة في المناصب كلما اصبحت مشاكلهم سلوكية.  كيف نتخلص من العادات الغير فعاله.     نبذة عن سعود العمير مسؤول تطوير القيادات- اكاديمية سابك- الرياض مدرب معتمد لبرنامج العادات السبع. - ستيفن كوفي مدرب مدربين معتمد لبرامج ديل كارنيجي مدرب متقدم معتمد من جمعية تطوير المواهب الامريكيه ATD حاصل على اعتماد CPLP Certified Professional in Learning and Performance- ATD حاصل على اعتماد الكوتشينج من الاتحاد الدولي للكوتشينج ICF ACC قدم العديد من البرامج في مجال القيادة وخدمات العملاء واجراء المقابلات الشخصية ومهارات التواصل وتدريب المدربين والكوتشينج والإرشاد المهني. قام بتقديم العديد من الدورات في الكويت وتركيا والصين وأمريكا وهولندا والهند. احد مؤسسي النادي السعودي لرأس المال البشري في جامعة الأمير سلطان بالرياض. حاليا رئيس النادي. حاصل على لقب التوستماستر المتميز DTM وتقلد العديد من المناصب القيادية في التوستماسترز اضافة إلى تأسيس عدة أندية. في ٢٠١٩ تمت الإعارة الى صندوق تنمية الموارد البشرية لتأسيس وإدارة أكاديمية القيادة في صندوق تنمية الموارد البشرية ( هدف) عضو المجلس الاستشاري لجامعة كرانفيلد في بريطانيا عضو المجلس الاستشاري لأكاديمية الهيئة العامة للجمارك Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM (Cairo Time) […]

The Flow System: The Evolution of Lean Thinking


Transformations in general fail, be the Lean, Agile, Scrum, Design Thinking, Digital (the new kid on the block). Why? In this talk by leading expert in lean and agile thinking Nigel Thurlow will guide us through the post Covid19 landscape and the new approaches that organisations need to consider adopting if they want their recovery and desired transformation strategy to work. Hint: There is no magic bullet or one size fits all approach. Frameworks are not the answer.   About Nigel Thurlow Nigel Thurlow is the creator of the award-winning Scrum the Toyota Way training course. He previously served as the first Chief of Agile at a global Toyota company. He led many digital and organizational transformation initiatives while at Toyota and is a recognized expert in the Toyota Production System, the Toyota Way, and various Agile methods. He is also an Author and an International Keynote Speaker and as a Professional Scrum Trainer, the first one ever in Toyota and the first to have been certified by both the creators of Scrum, he has trained over 7500 people worldwide. Nigel has published several peer reviewed white papers and journal publications on team science, and he acts as an advisor on several boards at […]