Change happens with or without us, therefore we either master change or become irrelevant. But how can we master change in a sustainable, systematic, and repeatable way. This is the conversation we will have with Craig as he shares his insights on Systems Thinking About Sustainable Change. About Craig A. Stevens Craig A. Stevens is known as the Change tor-Mentor ( because of his passion for helping others master all things change and the “Flags of America Artist” ( for his art that lifts up heroes who gave their lives protecting others. He has written many papers and several books on excellent change management ( Craig A. Stevens: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle). As an educator, he teaches graduate level classes in Project Management and Optimization for CASRE/ISE/UTK. He also trains using corporate workshops in Change Management, Agile and Traditional Project Management, Lean Six Sigma, Customer Service for Westbrook Stevens LLC, Agile Brains Consulting, and courses through VMEdu (ScrumStudy, 6sigmaStudy, SMStudy). Over the years he has taught for the American Management Association International (AMAI), NASA, Padgett Thompson, and graduate and undergraduate classes and workshops for Vanderbilt, Belmont University, Trevecca, and others. Craig has been a consultant for over 100 different […]