Why Even Bother With Continuous Improvement?

هل تلعب من أجل الفوز ، أم تلعب حتى لا تخسر؟


هل تعلم أن 90٪ من الرؤساء التنفيذيين ليسوا قادة بالفطرة في توجيه الموظفين بالقدوة؟ هل تعلم أن 40٪ فقط من جيل الألفية صنفوا برامج تطوير القيادة في شركاتهم على أنها "ممتازة"؟ وهل تعلم أن 70٪ من المنظمات تجد صعوبة في إنشاء برامج تنمية قيادية فعالة بسبب عدم مشاركة الإدارة العليا؟ لماذا توجد هذه الإحصائيات؟ ما الذي يمكن فعله لحل هذه المشكلات في عالمنا المعقد اليوم؟   نبذة عن خالد غراب خالد غراب هو مبسط للمؤسسين والرؤساء التنفيذيين والقادة في كيفية قيادة شركة متناغمة بحيث تتوسع في النمو. لأكثر من 12 عامًا ، عمل دوليًا مع قادة على استعداد لتعزيز قيادتهم وزيادة نجاحهم. كمدرب معتمد من اتحاد التدريب الدولي ، يجلب خالد ثروة من المعرفة والخبرة لعملائه. من المعالم البارزة في حياته المهنية عندما ساعد شركة على تجنب خطأ بقيمة 6.45 مليون دولار. وهو مسؤول أيضًا عن تصميم برامج القيادة والتسامح في جميع أنحاء الإمارات العربية المتحدة لوكلاء الهيئات الحكومية التي ساعدت في وضع وزارة التسامح والتعايش على الخريطة. Webinar   10:30 PM – 11:00 PM (Dubai Time) 9:30 PM – 10:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 8:30 PM – 9:00 PM (Cairo Time) Book Event


Servant Leadership: It Really Works


David will touch on the roots of servant leadership in the works of Robert K. Greenleaf and discuss how servant leadership offers practical lessons for leaders of small companies to large institutions.   About David McNamee  David McNamee, Ph.D. is an educator, executive-level consultant, leadership expert, U. S. Air Force veteran, and manager with documented success in public, private, domestic, and international sectors. David is also certified as an independent leadership and Strategic Planning coach, teacher and speaker with The John Maxwell Team. His primary areas of excellence include academic consulting research and writing focus on ethics, resilience, strategic planning, Post-Traumatic Growth, and Transformational Leadership. David also educates clients on his particular passion, Servant-Leadership.   David has served clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Whether leading micro-finance and leadership workshops in Haiti, negotiating strategic military agreements in far-flung countries, or leading Oregon’s largest MBA and undergraduate business programs, David’s success has come through his ability to build teams, quickly establish trust, and do whatever he can to empower those people to achieve greatness.   David has a BA in Communications, a master’s degree in International Relations, and a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies. With his son Daniel McNamee, […]


The 5C’s for Psychological Safety


I’m sure you’ve heard about the 5S’s in Lean.  Doing 5S helps people stay physically safe and allows problems to be easily seen.  But what about psychological safety?  If you want the people in your organization to learn, improve and care for your customers, you need to take care of their psychological safety just as much as you care for their physical safety.  That’s why Karyn Ross and Jessica House have created the 5C’s of psychological safety. During this interactive session, you will learn about each of the 5C’s and how you and your organization can begin practicing them immediately so that you can optimize learning, growth, innovation and improvement.  Everyone will receive a copy of the 5C’s document following the session.   About Jessica House With over a decade of experience in the mental health field, Jessica’s passion is helping children, parents, caregivers and families live their best lives.  She is the Founder of LightHouse Counselling and Wellness where she works collaboratively with her clients to bring out the best in them. She has a Masters in Counselling Psychology and spent many years working as a Child and Family Therapist at a local children's mental health centre in Ottawa where […]


Meet the Future with Better Organizational Learning


“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence — it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. (Peter Drucker) The real world is more complex than most leaders and organizations tend to admit. A learning organization adapts to the world’s complexity in three ways: By mobilizing people’s innate desire to learn.  By developing systems thinking; and Through simplicity Lean and agile involve organizational learning, but first and foremost leaders must learn how their own thinking and acting impact the culture of learning in their organizations.   About Bjarne Berg Wig Author and sensei, Bjarne Berg Wig has more than 30 years of experience in quality management and Lean. He was Quality and Innovation Manager at Hydro Agri Europe. For the last 20 years, Bjarne has helped many Norwegian, international companies and public sector organizations transform into learning organizations. He has developed academic programs with Bergen University College in Quality Management and Lean leadership. Several hundred leaders have gone through his practical training with high impact on many companies and municipalities in Norway. Bjarne is a founder of the Society for Learning Organizations in Norway, and has written 7 professional books which are used both in industry and in academic programs. Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM […]


The Wheel of Sustainability: Engaging and Empowering Teams to Produce Lasting Results


Nothing can stop people when they’re engaged and empowered to use their creativity and work on things that are important to them. When teams solve critical business problems and achieve breakthrough results, they express joy and relief. It’s contagious. Imagine what it would be like to keep those problems from returning. The Wheel of Sustainability is a proven system to do just that. This high energy session will inspire the audience to build the Leadership Commitment to engage and empower teams, sustain their solutions, and create a winning experience.   About Adam Lawrence Adam Lawrence is the Managing Partner of Process Improvement Partners, LLC. He has 30+ years of experience in process improvement activities, targeted at manufacturing and business processes. Having facilitated 300+ Kaizen events in multiple industries around the world, Adam aligns with leadership, engages teams, and creates sustainable results. Adam has mastered the use of many different process improvement methodologies, allowing him to implement the best strategy for each organization’s goals and objectives. He develops sessions that are fun, engaging, and laser-focused. Adam is 100 percent committed to ensuring the team has a winning result and a fantastic experience. Married to his wonderful wife, Peggy, for 30 years, they have one […]


Resilience Under Stress: Stand Strong in Stormy Seas


In this interactive webinar you can expect to: Discover the connections between stress, emotions, health, and productivity. Learn a model of stress management. Explore strategies for turning stress into positive action for yourself and the people in your organization.   About Doug Lundrigan As a speaker/instructor/facilitator Doug is known for his ability to connect seemingly unrelated concepts, create “aha!” moments, and balance evidence-based learning with intangible  concepts. Raised on the prairies of Canada, Doug’s first opportunity to lead others was when he was selected as foreman of a landscaping crew at 16 years of age. Since then he has had many leadership positions and had responsibility for the work of up to 180 people. Doug loves to help people achieve their highest potential. He measures his success by how happy and successful people become after he coaches or instructs them. The majority of individuals he coaches achieve a job promotion within a year. Doug has developed successful leaders in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. Doug holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Psychology from the University of Alberta and a MBA from University of Phoenix Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM […]


التحول الرقمي الناجح للموارد البشرية


سيناقش صالح في هذه الندوة كيفية القيام بالتحول الرقمي الناجح للموارد البشرية. سيقدم بعض الأمثلة للتحول تساعد الحضور على كيفية التنفيذ الناجح للتحول. نبذة عن صالح طارق القروني مدير عام رأس المال البشري و نائب الرئيس المكلف لقطاع تميز الأعمال في شركة  Solutions حاصل على شهادة البكالوريس من جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن في علوم الحاسب خبرة تمتد لأكثر من 10 سنوات في مجال الموارد البشرية , عمل من خلالها على تطويرالقيادات و المواهب , تأسيس ممارسات التعاقب الوظيفي , رقمنة وأتمتة عمليات الموارد البشرية في كل من الشركة السعودية للكهرباء وشركة Solutions Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Cairo Time) Book Event


Key Factors in Building a Kaizen System


In order to sustainably build a Kaizen strategy and an associated Kaizen system, there are a number of key factors that should be paid attention to. Many large companies, especially in the automotive industry and their service providers, have solid lean and kaizen systems that have been successfully built up over decades and are mastering them day by day. The processes are in place, the network is functioning. However what does it look like at the very beginning? At the big bang? Learn from Nadja Böhlmann about the basic Key facors that are important for building a sustainable Kaizen System   About Nadja Böhlmann Nadja Böhlmann lives in the Eastern part of Germany 2 hours south of Berlin. She spent the first eight years of her professional career as an officer in the logistics department of the German Armed Force. She holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and a master's degree in lean operations management. After leaving the Army as a first Lieutenant, she first worked as a student trainee in the painting and drywall construction industry in the area of process optimization for construction sites at Malerwerkstätten Heinrich Schmid. Later she joined the Kaizen Institute as a Trainer […]


When the Going Gets Tough: How to Create Committed, Engaged and Happy Teams in Difficult Times


The pandemic has disrupted how most of us work, and for many teams, this has been challenging. As the COVID story continues, the longer-term impact – things like lower morale & engagement and greater anxiety & stress – begin to bite. Teamwork expert, author and coach Andy Fieldhouse will look into the impact that the pandemic is having on teams. He will offer insights and advice on: The importance of consciously and intentionally addressing the impact of COVID in your team; How to boost morale and engagement; What can be done to prepare for disruption in the future.   About Andy Fieldhouse Team coach and author Andy Fieldhouse is a man with a mission: To help people get teamwork right. Andy says: “You know how some teams really struggle to get the job done because they just can’t seem to work well together, and things like poor communication and conflict are getting in the way of their success? I help companies save money by avoiding the costly issues that arise when teams are not functioning properly. I train and coach teams so that they can create a cohesive, connected culture based upon meaningful purpose, deep trust and supportive relationships. This helps to reduce […]


Using Personal Kanban to Build Lean Capacity and Buy-in


Visualize your work, limit work in-progress and maximize your flow through the use of a simple tool – a Personal Kanban Board.  In this session you will learn how I have used the Personal Kanban Board as a way to build lean learning and capacity, personalize the lean journey and integrate lean coaching strategies across many different teams.  Personal Kanban Boards have been the single most impactful tool that I have used to teach, build and learn.  In one hour, we will learn the basics, share some implementation strategies and get you set to roll out Personal Kanban Boards for yourself, for your team, and across your organization.   About Darren Becks Darren has nearly 25 years of service in post-secondary administration and has held increasing levels of leadership over that period. Currently, Darren is the Manager, Downtown Development and Innovation with the City of Kitchener. Darren is a Lean champion who advocates for innovative ideas and is committed to a path of continuous improvement.  Over the last 10 years Darren has applied Lean and continuous improvement leadership in the construction, and corporate service environments. Darren holds three degrees, two from the University of Waterloo, a bachelor’s degree in Urban […]
