Analysis and Decision Making in Lean Companies
WebinarIn any company embarking on a lean transformation, in any industry, the definition of relevant and reliable information for analysis and decision-making will change in some form or fashion. A lean transformation also has an impact on the types and frequencies of analytical practices and accompanying decisions. Another way to say this is a lean transformation changes what internal customers value from a management accounting system. For any decision-maker, information must be both relevant and reliable. Relevant information improves decision makers’ capabilities to predict future outcomes or provide more accurate feedback of performance. Reliable information represents reality at the time an analysis is performed and the quality (accuracy) and lack of bias in the analysis can be counted on. In this webinar, you will learn: The Economics of Lean The relevant and reliable information needed to analyze the impact of lean and continuous improvement How to leverage lean for financial success Standardized work for analysis and decision-making About Nick Katko Nick is President and owner of BMA. Since 2002, Nick and has leveraged his Lean Accounting experience and philosophy in assisting BMA clients in developing, leading and coaching them in their Lean Accounting transformations. Clients Nick has served range […]