التواصل فن أن تفهم الآخرين وأن يفهموك

Build Listening Practices Using the Lens of Emotional Intelligence


Ineffective listening is a significant source of business risk. Take away ideas to build a clear and compassionate process to practice listening using the lens of social-emotional intelligence so that you can inspire trust, build relationships, encourage followers, and produce sustainable results.   About Sunitha Narayanan Sunitha is a Leadership Impact Coach & Brainstorming Partner. She helps people get out of their own way, get out of others' way and ask for what they need to build the impact they wish to create with purpose, intention and joy. Sunitha is certified in Executive and Leadership Development Coaching. She certified in Harrison Assessment and Social-Emotional Intelligence. She hold a masters in Education, Higher Education, Indiana University, Indiana and masters in Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Science, India.   Webinar   10:00 PM – 11:00 PM (Dubai Time) 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (EST) Book Event


How Enlightened Organisations are Turning to Daily Learning Structures to Enable Better Results


Too often, traditional management is still aligned with outdated, top-down command and control management thinking. Our research and experience show that today’s employees demand meaningful work, support, and autonomy to achieve their results, especially in uncertain and challenging environments. They want leaders and managers who care for them as people, unambiguous communication, and opportunities to learn, grow and succeed in their roles. They want someone who challenges them and supports them, who facilitates learning, helps them adapt to changing conditions, not a traditional command and control boss who has all the answers.   About Mike Denison Mike is a leadership performance coach and executive coach, he was one of the first managers in the UK Toyota Operations in the early 90’s. He now works with leaders and organisations who want to adopt a people centred focus to take their operational performance to another level.  Mike has developed a comprehensive framework for mentoring and coaching leaders in driving and enabling a sustainable CI culture. In the last 25 years Mike has supported many blue chip companies such as Rolls Royce, Daimler Trucks, Westinghouse, De La Rue, Ford & Jaguar Landrover through his “Value Added Leadership Approach Webinar   5:00 PM – […]


كيف تغير طريقة تفكيرك في وقت التغيير


2 مليار ومائة مليون هو عدد نتائج البحث التي يمكنك العثور عليها عند كتابة "التعامل مع التغيير" يوضح هذا الرقم مدى أهمية هذا الموضوع بشكل كبير للناس ، من الناحية المهنية والشخصية. لا عجب في ذلك. اسمح لي أن أسألك هذا متى كانت آخر مرة تغيرت فيها وظيفتك أو ديناميكيات عملك أو ظهر شيء ما في حياتك الشخصية لا يتماشى مع خطتك الأولية؟ أعتقد من قريب ، أليس كذلك؟ هذا تغيير. القصة لا تكمن بالتغيير نفسه أو الآثار المترتبة عليه. انما تتعلق أكثر بكيفية اختيارنا للتعامل مع التغيير. ذكر ستيفن كوفي أن حياتك هي 10٪ ما يحدث لك و 90٪ على كيفية استجابتك لما يحدث لك. لا يتعلق الأمر بالخطوات أو طرق التعامل مع ما هو مختلف فقط. لكن الأمر يتعلق بكيفية إدراكنا للتغيير عاطفياً والتعامل معه فكريا وجسديا. التغيير يحدث دائما. وانت تعلم هذا. لذا ، كيف ستكون الأمور إذا كنت مستعدًا ومجهزًا بشكل أفضل لتكون قادرًا ، ليس فقط على التعامل مع التغيير بأفضل طريقة ممكنة ، ولكن أيضًا لتحويل الاضطرابات الى خطوات من شأنها أن ترتقي بحياتك ونفسك إلى آفاق أعلى . نعم ، يمكن أن يكون التغيير فرصة رائعة للارتقاء بنفسك. الناس الناجحين للغاية سيوافقون بالتأكيد. انضم إلينا في الندوة القادمة وتعلم كيفية التعامل مع المفاجآت […]


Leading Through Problem Solving


Whether you have problem solving tools and methodology in your organization or not, every person and team has to solve problems. How well you solve them, how quickly you solve them, and how consistently you solve them has a massive impact on your performance. The role of a leader in making this better ranges from being a good coach to setting a good culture to being an architect of your own system. We will explore key practices to help lead problem solving more effectively.   About Jamie Flinchbaugh As founder of JFlinch, Jamie Flinchbaugh has helped purpose-driven leaders craft effective, resilient organizations at over three hundred companies. Leveraging more than thirty years of experience and helping build over twenty companies, Jamie collaborates with leaders and their teams to bridge capability, strategic, cultural, and systems gaps so they can safely span potential pitfalls and have a purposeful impact on their organizations. Jamie has helped leaders across a wide spectrum of industries, including healthcare, utilities, technology, consumer products, and professional services, including Harley-Davidson, Intel, Mars, Amazon, Crayola, Fidelity, and Whirlpool, among many others. Jamie is co-author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lean: Lessons from the Road and is the co-host of the podcasts Lean […]


Niche Teaching – Do You Need a Generalist or a Specialist?


A niche market is a part of a larger market that is defined by its unique identity, needs and preferences, which makes it different from the larger market. For example, age-defying creams are part of the skin care market. Some doctors have niches, such as geriatrics or pediatrics. Niche teaching is based on this premise. A niche is defined by the problems its students have. A niche teacher focuses on a very specific group of learners who have a very specific problem, for example, Arabic-speaking medical professionals who need to work on their pronunciation and presentation skills. A niche teacher offers their niche a very specific solution to their problem.   As a passionate teacher who has been travelling and living abroad for over 15 years, I believe that niche teaching is the future for several reasons. The most important reason is that the vast majority of English learners need to communicate well for a specific purpose. But it takes a certain kind of person to be a niche teacher. What qualities are necessary? How does a student know what they need? How can you find a niche teacher? What are the pros and cons of niche teaching for you […]


Communicating in Seven Languages: Ensuring Buy-In for your Lean Journey


In this session, learn how to adapt your communication style to more effectively reach everyone in your organization.   About Ravi Rao Dr. Ravi is an expert in the application of emotional neuroscience to organizations. He supports organizations in improving processes and implementing new strategies. Educated at Johns Hopkins, he is also a former McKinsey consultant. His book, “Emotional Business: Inspiring Human Connectedness to Grow Earnings and the Economy”, outlines an approach to transformation using emotions as the basis for change. After launching as an independent advisor in 2005, he has taught emotional neuroscience to companies in five continents in the pharmaceutical, entertainment, travel, insurance, and real estate industries. He is based in Los Angeles. Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Riyadh Time) 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (EST) Book Event


Drawing Out Your Purpose – Creatively Crystalize Your Why


When networking with fellow professionals, the focus almost always is: “What do you do?” Why is that? Why isn't the focus: “Why do you do what you do?” A 2014 Harvard Business Review article reported less than 20% of leaders have a strong sense of their own purpose. Even fewer can distill their purpose into a concise statement. All while research shows the myriad personal & professional benefits of doing so. As a leader or lean professional, your organization's values & purpose are directly reflected in your metrics. No matter where you live or work, when you have a clear picture of your why, you will be more motivated, engaged & productive. So it’s critical that you take the time to uncover your personal purpose & reflect on how that aligns with where you are professionally.   During this engaging & uniquely interactive webinar-workshop you will draw out your purpose (literally) & start the journey to live out your purpose. So pull out the crayons & get ready to creatively crystalize your purpose. About Sam Morgan Sam is a self-proclaimed “confident learner” and earlier this year after 5 years of practice in the continuous improvement space he landed at KataCon, a […]


How the Lean Tools Drive Scientific Thinking


Organizations that focus solely on the tools, without a reference pattern' for the patterns of interaction between people that the tools are designed to foster, will have a great deal of trouble sustaining any kind of improvement.   About Mark Rosenthal Mark Rosenthal has been learning on the front lines of Lean Production, quality improvement, and leader development in manufacturing, engineering design, service sector and health care for 30 years. His experience includes working on lean and quality systems implementation in companies such as Boeing and Boeing suppliers, Genie Industries, Eastman Kodak and Terex at sites throughout North America, Asia and Europe. His baseline background and training experience was with Toyota-trained teachers in the USA and Japan. Since becoming an independent consultant he has worked with a wide spectrum of organizations ranging from strategic projects for major global corporations, coaching and training small and medium sized businesses down to coaching the owner of a small single-site retail business. His experience includes process mapping and improvement in industrial and manufacturing, administrative and transactional processes, health care, engineering product development, and integrating work flows with I.T. systems. He has a Bachelors from Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY. Following school he spent 11 […]


القيادة اللحظية


الدنيا في تغيّر مستمر مع فرص تمر من أمامنا وعقبات تظهر لنا فجأة، والقائد الناجح هو الذي يقتنص هذه الفرص ويتأقلم ويتجاوز العقبات. وبما أن القيادة أساسها تحريك البشر وحيث أن الأوضاع تتغير والبشر نفسياتهم وظروفهم تتغير، إذاُ فحتماً على القائد أن يكون قارئاً جيداً للبشر وذا أدوات وأساليب مختلفة في قيادة البشر ليستخدمها في اللحظة المناسبة. شاركونا هذه الجلسة التحاورية في أنماط القيادة وتحديات التأقلم في الأوضاع المتغيرة.  نبذة عن عزان عبدالله لوتاه محاضر ومستشار والمدير التنفيذي لمؤسسة الأصالة للتدريب والاستشارة خبرة 25 سنة ما بين القطاع العام والقطاع الخاص، منها اربع سنين ونصف في مكتب رئاسة مجلس الوزراء في مجال الاستراتيجية، والخدمات الحكومية، وإدارة المعرفة ماجستير مزدوج في إدارة الاعمال من جامعة كولمبيا (نيو يورك) وجامعة لندن للأعمال المصنف من أول خمس برامج في مجاله على مستوى العالم خريج برنامج إعداد القادة لحكومة دولة الامارات (UAEGLP) مدير معرفة معتمد من معهد إدارة المعرفة -أمريكا (CKM-KM Institute) محفز شخصي عبر برنامج "كو-اكتيف" (Co-Active Coaching) محفز جماعي عبر برنامج "أورسك" (Organizational Relationship & Systems Coaching- ORSC) محاضر في مبادرة الشيخ محمد بن راشد للإبداع الحكومي (ابداع) مدرب دفاع عن النفس Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM (Cairo […]


التغلب على الخوف والقلق: 9 أصوات تخريبية تخلق شخصيات مختلفة


يدور الموضوع حول الوعي العقلي الذي يمكن أن يساعد في إدارة الخوف والقلق من خلال استكشاف 9 أفكار تخريبية تخلق شخصيات مختلفة نلعبها في الحياة. يمكن أن يكون العقل أفضل صديق لنا، ولكنه أيضًا أسوأ عدو لنا. في هذه الندوة نكتشف 9 أصوات تخريبية في الرأس كيف تتقن العقل في ثلاث خطوات نبذة عن وداد معلوف تجلب وداد الصحة والتعليم التحويلي للمنظمات والقادة والعائلات. لديها قدرة فريدة على رؤية الإمكانات الكاملة للناس وسد الفجوة بين ما هم عليه الآن والمكان الذي يريدون أن يكونوا فيه. كقائد سابق في قطاع البيع بالتجزئة والتوزيع مع خبرة مهنية مدتها 17 عامًا ، ورائد في المرتبة الأولى في مجال الجمال في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي ، وداد الآن رائدة أعمال ملهمة ومدربة تحولية تساعد المديرين التنفيذيين والفرق على إعادة ابتكار العلاقة مع أنفسهم باستخدام قوتهم الداخلية لعيش حياتهم بشكل أفضل. في عام 2016 ، دخلت في رحلة تعليمية عميقة نقلتها من اليقظة ، والعمل التنفسي ، إلى شفاء الطاقة ، إلى دراسات الذكاء الإيجابي ، وبلغت ذروتها في الحصول على شهادة لمدة عامين مع CTI (معهد التدريب على التدريب) لتصبح CPCC (Co-Active Professional Certified Coach) في عام 2020. هذه التجربة زودت وداد بأدوات مبتكرة لتدريب الناس على إعادة الاتصال بقواهم الداخلية واتخاذ خطوات للأمام […]