التحلي بالموقف الإيجابي لتحقيق أهدافك

بناء العقلية الإيجابية


ما هو التوتر او الضغط وكيفية التعامل معه - What is Stress and how to work with it المنهجية الثلاثية "أ" - Triple “A” Approach عقلية الانسان وكيف يمكن أن تساعد - The mindset and how it can help 5 طرق للتحفيز الذاتي - 5Motivation Keys  رسالة الحب - L.O.V.E Letter   نبذة عن عبدالرحمن ادريس عبد الرحمن حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس من جامعة ASPU الخاصة في الأردن. بدأ رحلة التدريب والتيسير في ايكيا 2008 حيث كان أحد الموظفين الرئيسيين في إدارة الموارد البشرية. غادر ايكيا لقيادة قسم التدريب في إحدى الشركات المحلية في المملكة العربية السعودية ، مغربي حيث كان يقود التدريب والتطوير في جميع أنحاء المملكة العربية السعودية والبحرين بعد أن انضم إلى شركات أخرى من شركات صناعية مختلفة. عمل عبد الرحمن أيضًا كجزء من فريق أنشأ شركة تدريب وتوظيف كان يملكها الرئيس التنفيذي لإيكيا ، حيث كان يصمم مواد التدريب ويطور ويسهل في مجال البيع بالتجزئة. كما أنه يسلم القيادة وخدمة العملاء والتحفيز والعمل الجماعي وأخلاقيات العمل والتفاوض وحل المشكلات والتفكير الإبداعي والمهارات الشخصية الأخرى. في عام 2017 ، انضم عبد الرحمن إلى Crestcom KSA لتولي قيادة تسهيل برنامج Crestcom BPM باللغة العربية.   Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM […]


Problem Solving a Survival Tool in a Rapidly  Changing World

In this webinar Fabio will talk about a the importance of problem solving in today’s world. He will showcase the 4 types of  problems. The webinar will dive deeper into problem solving (facing complexity) vs trial-error (complicatedness).   About Fabio Camorani Fabio held various operation and quality positions throughout his career, he has been Lean Change Agent in Electrolux for many years, with long direct experience in the gemba, leading workshops and activities in Lean Thinking, Strategy Deployment, Safety and Lean Process Development, improving quality, cost and delivery. Winner of the EMS Electrolux Global Award, he also led projects for Lean sustainability and cultural change in Egypt (4 factories). Currently he is the Lean Manager for Italy, factories and warehouses, in Electrolux.   Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Italy Time) Book Event


How to Build a Powerful Culture with The Culture Design Canvas


Learn how to design powerful, human, purpose-driven workplace cultures using the Culture Design Canvas.   The secrets behind successful company cultures How to design workplace cultures using the Culture Design Canvas Identify gaps between the current and the desired state Learn how to facilitate the Culture Design Toolkit Discover how to map, design, and upgrade your culture Uncover the power of subcultures Actionable tips and tools that you can apply right away   About Gustavo Razzetti Gustavo is a sought-after culture designer, speaker and author of 3 books: Stretch for Change, Stretch Your Team and Stretch Your Mind – all of which are available on Amazon.   He is the creator of the Culture Design Canvas and founder and CEO of Liberationist a change consultancy that future proofs your workplace culture.   His forward-thinking change leadership workshops have been tested in 20 countries with hundreds of companies - from Fortune 500 behemoths to fast-growth startups. His business insights have been featured in Psychology Today, Forbes, Thrive Global, and many other publications. Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 10:30 AM – 11:00 PM (CST) Book Event


“Pulling Back the Curtain” – A Precise Diagnostic System For Predicting Human Behavior


Most hiring managers focus on the past when selecting a candidate, asking: Where did you go to school? Where else have you worked? What did you earn? Are you any better than the last three people I mistakenly hired? However, we are obviously interested in the individual’s future behavior, since the past may not provide a valid prediction of success.  A properly validated psychometric provides an unfair advantage in making the right choice.  While other hiring agencies are looking through the rear-view mirror to make decisions, those using scientific profiles are looking through the windshield, into the future.  Of the ten types of assessments, the Winslow not only meets the strong legal requirements of certain countries, it is the only personality diagnostic tool anywhere in the world which guarantees valid results every time.   About Eric Samuelson Eric is the President of Management Development Institute (MDI) and of Winslow Research & Development Institute (WRDI).  MDI has served clients throughout North America, the Caribbean and Australia, including retail auto groups, financial service firms, banks and private enterprises.  Organizations seek out MDI for process improvement, problem solving, executive coaching, candidate selection, and practical decision-making.  MDI’s identity statement is: “Rapid, effective transformation of […]


١٠ خطوات للاندماج


تواجه العديد من المؤسسات عوائق تقف أمام محاولاتها لزيادة الاندماج في المؤسسة. من أهم هذه العوائق هو احتياج هذه المحاولات لتغيير أمور استراتيجية قد يستحيل معها التطبيق. اكتشف كيف يمكن لأي محترف في الموارد البشرية أو مدير أو صاحب قرار أن يساهم في زيادة الاندماج بطرق بسيطة وسهلة دون الحاجة لتغيير استراتيجيات الموارد البشرية وباستخدام ١٠ خطوات.  نبذة عن رامي بوسبيت أكثر من عشرين عامًا من الخبرة في مجال الموارد البشرية وتحديداً في تنمية المواهب وإدارة الأداء واستراتيجية الموارد البشرية والتوجيه الوظيفي وتوصيف الوظائف وتخطيط القوى العاملة.  مستشار وقائد وخبير في المجال.  حاصل على عدة جوائز  اقليمية، وعضو نشط ومستشار في لجنة SHRM لخبرات الموارد البشرية ومحترف حاصل على مجموعة من الشهادات المهنية. متحدث في العديد من المؤتمرات الاقليمية. Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Cairo Time) Book Event


Developing a Culture of Continuous Improvement and People Development through our daily work practices at the Gemba


In The Toyota Engagement Equation book, the authors virtually walk you through their 30+ year gemba learning journey of discovery with Toyota as they grew with their people in North America. This deep dive into the company’s game-changing work practices (cultural infrastructure) reveals how people were developed to think differently. The authors coach and develop learners at all levels and functional areas in: GTS6 + E3 = DNA GTS1 – Go to See GTS2 – Grasp the Situation GTS3 – Get to Solution GTS4 – Get to Standardization GTS5 – Get to Sustainability GTS6 – Get to Stretch (goal) E3 – It is important to Engage, Everyone, Everyday in this thinking above in order to create the DNA – Discipline and Accountability for the cultural infrastructure necessary for people develop/people first environment! This thinking connects daily work to KPI’s (key performance indicators) cascading vertically through the organization (line of sight). Through a few of these ideas you will see how Toyota developed this simple but profoundly effective approach into an overall management system―and how you can achieve amazing results in your company through the The Equation – GTS6 + E3=DNA is a way to replicate the thinking process!   About […]


How Strong Leaders Motivate Their Teams


Have you ever struggled to motivate an employee? They lack interest, are dis-engaged from their work, and don’t seem to believe in the goals you’re working towards.   In this webinar, you will learn how to motivate your team by meeting their individual needs. What you will learn: It boils down to our human needs - the 6 key drivers of all behavior (Certainty, variety, significance, connection, growth, and contribution). By understanding what motivates people, you can influence their thoughts and behaviors.   About Sonia Singh Sonia Singh is the founder and CEO of Sonia Singh International, a leadership coaching and training company and a managing partner of MPlus, a performance improvement consulting firm. She’s the former head of culture for a Fortune 5 company and Executive Director of Transformation for a healthcare system in California, USA. Sonia has trained and coached over 2000 emerging and experienced leaders in developing key leadership skills. Sonia holds a degree in Psychology from Northern Illinois University and a Master’s degree in Health Administration from Tulane University. She is a certified Master Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma and certified professional coach by the International Coaching Federation.    Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 […]


The Busy Leaders Guide to Leading Pro Active Safety in Teams


Everyone is responsible for safety………..but leaders are accountable for engaging their teams in creating the environment for safe working practices. “The Busy Leaders Guide to Leading Pro Active Safety in Teams” applies a highly successful behavioural safety coaching methodology leaders can quickly and easily apply to engage and motivate their teams to recognise and predict hazards, and take proactive action preventing an incident before it happens. It helps develop members sensitivity to unsafe conditions and hazardous situations, developing members ability to not only recognise and predict hazards, but take responsibility for eliminating the potential for an accident or incident. The methodology is developed from the Japanese KYT or Kiken Yochi Training (Hazard Prediction Training) that is responsible for the high safety performance in many Japanese industries including their rail systems   About Mike Denison Mike has over 20 years of direct lean experience coaching, mentoring & consulting to some of the world’s largest and most successful organisations. Mike is an executive coach, management trainer and lean leadership facilitator and a keynote speaker, he supports organisations and senior leaders to successfully lead their lean and OpEx programs through change towards establishing a CI culture. Mike was one of the first leaders […]


التحلي بالموقف الإيجابي لتحقيق أهدافك


سيناقش وليد في الندوة كيف ان الموقف هو الأساس لكل شيء، واهمية بناء الموقف الايجابي لتحقيق اهدافك. وسيتطرق في الندوة لبعض آليات الدفاع التي نستخدمها عند الاحساس بموقف سلبي. ستطرح الندوة بعض الادوات البسيطة لتحديد اهدافك والعمل بايجابية لتحقيقها عن  طريق منهجية كايزن. ستتعرف من خلال الندوة على كيفية بناء وتحقيق الايجابية في موقفك لتحقيق اهدافك.   نبذة عن وليد مازن يمتاز وليد مازن بخبرته التي تتجاوز 15 عامًا في مجال تدريب وتوجيه موظفي الشركات على كافة المستويات في النظام الإداري المبني على وقف الهدر، ويعتبر هذا النظام اختصاص ياباني يهدف إلى القضاء على الجوانب التي يضيع على أثرها الوقت والجهد والمال. وتشمل القطاعات التي قدم وليد الخدمات إليها تصنيع الأجهزة المنزلية، الأشغال المعدنية، الأغذية والمشروبات، الزجاج، البلاستيك، تخزين البضائع، بالإضافة إلى مختلف المنظمات الخدماتية والتعليمية. كما وعمل وليد في المملكة المتحدة والسويد والدنمارك وإيطاليا وألمانيا ورومانيا والمجر وبولندا ومصر والسعودية وقطر والامارات. يدير وليد مشاريع تدفع بعجلة التغيير وتسهل عملية التحسين في مجالات المشاريع المرشدة والتصنيع الرشيق ونشر السياسات وتطوير الصناعة الخالية من الهدر. وليد حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس في مجال هندسة النظم –الهندسة الصناعية من جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن في المملكة العربية السعودية، بالإضافة إلى درجة الماجستير التنفيذي في إدارة الأعمال من جامعة إمبريال كوليدج بالمملكة المتحدة. كما ويصنف من الأشخاص […]


Spark Improvement Behaviors Using Reinforcing Feedback to Generate Desired Actions


Change is real. Maybe you’re facing change from COVID-19 – new PPE requirements, new processes, or new products. Maybe you’re trying to engage the team in improving flow or reducing waste or systematic problem solving. All change. Or maybe you find yourself struggling with execution on the things we’re already supposed to be doing – like safety talks and visual management. The thing is, when team members aren’t consistently executing on actions, we typically find ourselves in a compliance-based follow-up stance. And that’s no fun for anyone. It takes too much time for you, and typically irritates team members as they view you as “micro-managing”. There is a better way. In this session, you’ll learn the DECIDE framework to spark helpful behaviors that move the business forward, while generating greater engagement   About Jamie V. Parker Jamie V. Parker helps operations management teams integrate Lean into their everyday leadership so that they gain a competitive edge today while building organizational agility for the future. She is the host of the podcast Lean Leadership for Ops Managers and brings her 17+ years of multi-unit operations leadership experience to helping managers spark improvement behaviors, generate engagement and commitment, and develop problem solvers […]
