The Super Skills Behind Operational Excellence

G.R.E.A.T. Processes


How to transform your workplaces with SOP’s   About Tom Hughes  Tom is an entrepreneur and author based in Ireland. He recently wrote a book called “Improvement Starts With I – a practical guide to building an extraordinary lean culture. He wrote the book because most Lean initiatives fail, whilst everyone wants the lean results, most people are clueless about HOW to actually go about achieving them. Tom has experience of driving culture change in numerous organisations which has helped him create a step by step guide that has already reached thousands of people all over the world and is being translated into multiple languages by volunteers already. The clue to the essence of the book is in the title! Find out more at Tom is also the founder of a software business called GembaDocs, which helps businesses improve by making standard work methods fast and easy. They have clients ranging from large multi-nationals to small SME’s in over 15 countries getting massive results. It really is a game changer, changing standards from being like boring handcuffs to being useful tools that make life easier for everyone and consequently driving better results. Find out more at Finally, he is a partner in an electronic engineering […]


Infusing Toyota Kata into the Organization – Big Bang or Gradual?


"How do I get started?" is a common question, not only with Toyota Kata, but with any improvement initiative. We will explore the more common approaches, then discuss alternatives that sometimes prove more successful.   About Mark Rosenthal Mark has been learning on the front lines of Lean Production, quality improvement, and leader development in manufacturing, engineering design, service sector and health care for 30 years. His experience includes working on lean and quality systems implementation in companies such as Boeing and Boeing suppliers, Genie Industries, Eastman Kodak and Terex at sites throughout North America, Asia and Europe. His baseline background and training experience was with Toyota-trained teachers in the USA and Japan. Since becoming an independent consultant he has worked with a wide spectrum of organizations ranging from strategic projects for major global corporations, coaching and training small and medium sized businesses down to coaching the owner of a small single-site retail business. His experience includes process mapping and improvement in industrial and manufacturing, administrative and transactional processes, health care, engineering product development, and integrating work flows with I.T. systems. He has a Bachelors from Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY. Webinar   5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Dubai Time) […]


The Secondary Drivers of Change: Understanding The Ripple Effect on Our Organizations and What is Happening Today?


Either change or become irrelevant. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, organizations are faced with numerous challenges that require them to adapt quickly. Every decision an organization makes can have a ripple effect on various aspects of the company. Therefore, one of the challenges is dealing with secondary changes that occur after an initial change has been made. These secondary changes can affect various aspects of the organization, including its external environment, people, the organizational structure, the internal culture, and systems. In this presentation, we will explore how changes in one area of an organization can affect the secondary drivers of change. For example, a shift in organizational structure, such as a merger or acquisition, can trigger changes in the internal environment, culture, and systems. It can also impact the people within the organization, leading to changes in employee morale, job responsibilities, and even leadership. Similarly, changes in the external environment, such as new regulations or shifts in consumer behavior, can trigger secondary changes throughout the organization. These changes can impact on the organizational structure, leading to the creation of new departments or the reorganization of existing ones. They can also affect the internal environment, leading to changes in […]

8 Metrics to Measure any Process


About Ibrahim Saleh  Ibrahim Saleh is an academic scholar with a transformational leadership style supporting organizations through process improvement, performance management, project management, strategy deployment, and leadership development to achieve operational excellence. Ibrahim has a Bachelor's degree in business administration, specializing in accounting & finance, from the British University in Egypt. A Master's degree in Technology Management, specializing in Lean Management & Six Sigma, from Central Connecticut State University. And a Business Administration Doctorate from Northcentral University, specializing in managing Engineering & Technology. Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Riyadh Time) 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (EST) Book Event

Lean Leaders Use PMOs to Acieve Enterprise Excellence


Lean Leaders use their knowledge of Project Management Offices (PMOs) to achieve enterprise excellence. Through their roles of process owners, team leaders, operations managers and project managers (PMs), Lean Leaders make a real difference. It is through being responsible for their processes and projects that their companies and organizations accomplish necessary work, and customers are pleased, and real profits are made.  An Atlanta Airport Control Tower video will be shared as an example. About Dave Harry Dave Harry, a.k.a. “The Process Whisperer®” is the CEO of Process Whisperer® Consultants LLC in Greeneville, Tennessee U.S.A. Dave is a retired U.S. Navy pilot and has lived in Spain, India and Sri Lanka. As an independent Lean Six Sigma consultant and Toyota Kata expert, Dave has taught hundreds of LSS Green Belt, Black Belt and Toyota Kata classes throughout the US over the past 20 years. Dave is an ASQ certified Six Sigma Black Belt. He was also a Six Sigma Black Belt with Rolls-Royce Energy in Ohio and Lean Six Sigma Champion and Black Belt with Northrop Grumman in Virginia. He is very active in several quality associations including the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) as an IISE Operational Excellence Division Board Member and […]

The Super Skills Behind Operational Excellence


Have you ever underestimated your influence on others? Do you fail to recognize the impact you have on people, their work, and their ability to solve problems and thrive? People-centric skills are critical to Operational Excellence, and we can always do better. Whether you hold a formal leadership position or not, you have the power to affect those around you. However, the way you think, speak, and act may not always bring out the best in yourself or those you interact with. This can lead to missed opportunities, strained relationships, and less than ideal organizational outcomes. This webinar, based on her new book, “Picture Yourself a Leader”, Elisabeth Swan will demonstrate what gets in the way, and how to hone your skills so you can operate with better success.   About Elisabeth Swan Elisabeth has consulted in the business process performance industry for over 30 years. Her experience spans from helping local non-profits expand their reach to guiding Fortune 100 companies through Lean Transformations. She has trained and mentored thousands of people in improvement projects generating millions in savings. She has deep experience coaching problem solvers and facilitating leadership retreats, strategic planning sessions, process walks, and kaizen events. Elisabeth is […]

الذكاء الإصطناعي: فرص للتعلم والنمو


مع التفاعل الكبير الذي تحظى به أدوات وتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي، كيف يمكن للمهندسين والمديرين، ورواد الأعمال، والمتخصصين فى المجالات مختلقه الاستفادة  من الذكاء الإصطناعي للتَعَلُّم، وكيف يمكن للمؤسسات تبنى ودمج الذكاء الاصطناعي في عملياتها اليومية بطريقة عمليه لتحقيق أهدافها الإستراتيجيه . نبذة عن أيناس عارف إيناس حاصله على بكالوريوس الهندسه الميكانيكيه و الماجستير فى اداره المشروعات من جامعه كيلر بأمريكا وباحث دكتوراه فى الهندسه الصناعيه والتعليم الهندسى من جامعه ويسترن ميتشيجين بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكيه خبره فى مجال التعليم العالى والبحث العلمى بالإضافه إلى الخبره المهنيه فى عده مجالات هندسيه بالتعاون مع شركات محليه ودوليه إستشارى فني فى مجالات : السلامه والصحه المهنيه والإرجونومكس ، الإداره، الجوده ، التدريب، الإبتكار وتصميم المنتجات بمنهجيه Design Thinking Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Riyadh Time) 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (EST) Book Event

Problem Solving System


About Hide Oba Hide Oba lives in New York, USA, and consults worldwide. He started his career as a TPS consultant in 2002. He was coached by his father, Hajime Oba, a 45 years veteran of Toyota, who started TSSC in 1992. In 2008, they founded H&M Operations Management and continued to implement TPS globally in diverse industries. Webinar   7:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time)       6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time)       11:00 AM – 12:00 AM (EST) Book Event

Giving Wings to Your Team: Learning to coach the Toyota Kata Way.


Since there is no roadmap for many of today's challenges, having managers, supervisors and team leaders develop their people's navigation skills is an increasingly crucial factor in reaching challenging goals, adapting, innovating and achieving continuous improvement at scale. As a result, coaching ability is becoming an essential skill for any manager. In their new book Tilo Schwarz and Jeff Liker tell the story of a young manager, Denise, learning to coach her team the Toyota Kata way. By practicing and coaching scientific thinking skills, we believe that people can outperform the expected and any challenge can be overcome. Join us for this webinar and get a taste of how to become a better coach or help the managers you work with.   About Tilo Schwarz Tilo supports organizations and managers in successfully leading change and empowering their teams for improvement, adaptiveness, and superior results. He was a plant manager at a renowned German power-tool manufacturer, where he and his management team started practicing Toyota Kata as part of Mike Rother's groundbreaking research in 2006. By doing so, Tilo and his team established continuous improvement as a daily working routine throughout all processes and areas of the plant. That led to […]

How Can We Teach Managers to be Coaching Leaders?


These days it is common for companies to want their managers to be coaches instead to autocrats.  They want them to engage and develop their people.  But how?  Telling someone how you want them to change their behavior is a losing proposition.  Dr. Liker talks about his new book with Tilo Schwarz, “Giving Wings to Her Team,” a business novel about the process of learning to coach the Toyota Kata Way.  Through deliberate practice of kata, small practice routines, Denise learns to coach her team in scientific thinking to achieve breakthrough goals.   About Jeff Liker Jeffrey K. Liker is Professor Emeritus, Industrial and Operations Engineering at The University of Michigan and President of Liker Lean Advisors, LLC. He is author of the best-selling book, The Toyota Way, Second Edition, and has coauthored nine other books about Toyota including The Toyota Way to Service Excellence, and The Toyota Way to Lean Leadership.  His graphic novel with Eduardo Lander and Tom Root tells the story of lean transformation at a mail-order company:  Lean in a High-Variability Business.  His articles and books have won thirteen Shingo Prizes for Research Excellence. He was inducted into the Association of Manufacturing Excellence Hall of Fame […]