How the Lean Tools Drive Scientific Thinking

Learning the Improvement Kata: What can You Expect as a New Learner?


You know agile or lean and you have heard about the Toyota Kata duo described by Mike Rother in his books, Toyota Kata and the Toyota Kata Practice Guide. What can you expect as you learn the Improvement Kata pattern?  Kata Coach Tracy Defoe will share her perspective, and some stories. Never heard of Toyota Kata?  Join us to learn about this management practice that will help you bring life to agile practices and make improvement a true daily practice.   About Tracy A. Defoe Tracy Defoe is an adult education consultant specializing in workplace learning. She is a proud Kata Geek and a humble lean practitioner. For the last 10 years, Tracy has been learning, coaching, and sharing her experiences with the Improvement and Coaching Kata. Tracy is keen on building community and connecting people through Kata Schools, Kata Girl Geeks, and the Kata Coaching Dojo. She is a frequent speaker at conferences including KataCon & KataCon EU.   Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Riyadh Time) 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (EST) Book Event


Moving from Improvement Kata Learner to Coach


About Julie Simmons Julie currently works with her husband Scott as part of the Scott Wade Simmons & Associates, LLC providing leadership coaching and training in Strategy Development and Deployment, Leadership Development, and the Improvement Kata & Coaching Kata.  Julie’s passion is helping others develop their skills, capabilities, and confidence to solve complex challenges in their organizations using scientific thinking. Julie retired as the Executive Director for the Northwest High Performance Enterprise Consortium (NWHPEC) in January 2018 after leading the organization for fourteen years.  As the Executive Director, Julie was responsible for promoting the vision, mission, and purpose of the consortium within the Portland and Vancouver business area.  Her primary focus was: planning and organizing continuous improvement learning events, coordinating benchmarking and sharing between consortium members, and meeting the continuous improvement learning needs of the forty-plus member companies.  Julie Also provided daily mentoring and coaching to individual companies within the NWHPEC membership, as well as formal training and coaching in the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata. Prior to joining NWHPEC in 2004, Julie worked at the The Boeing Company for 14 years as Flight Line Expeditor, Shortage Controller, Supply Chain Analyst, and Manufacturing Process Analyst.  She developed her skills as a […]


The Shortage of Skilled Labour is a Myth: The Real Shortage is Skilled Supervisors


Many commentators are complaining about the shortage of skilled labour; their comments show that they don’t understand the problem. There are compelling reasons why companies should not expect to be able to hire people “off-the-street, and cannot rely on poaching or educational institutions to supply the skills. Instead, companies need to improve the skills of their supervisors, so that they can hire motivated people, and teach them the specific skills they need. There are five core skills supervisors need; Hugh will talk about what they are, and how you can develop your supervisors so they have the skills to produce the workforce you need.   About Hugh Alley  Hugh Alley is still learning how to pass along the skills front line leaders need to do their job and create great workplaces. An author and consultant, he is a fan of the Training Within Industry model, and the scientific thinking practice of Toyota Kata. An industrial engineer by background, he has run three different manufacturing operations, and a department in a public sector agency. He has consulted with over 100 companies from $1 million to $1 billion in sales. He has taught leadership skills to over 1,000 front line leaders. His book, Becoming the Supervisor: Achieving Your Company’s Mission and Building Your […]


The Role of a Leader: Engaging & Motivating People


“85% of the people think that engaging and motivating people is the most important job of a leader”   In November 1998, Toyota executive Ritsuo Shingo was asked to establish the first Toyota plant in China. He was given 600 workers from their local partner. However, sensei Shingo would soon discover that these people were not really motivated to work for a Japanese company. “When I visited their plant, it was messy. Most workers on the production line were not working. They were reading newspapers or taking a break. I wondered if those workers could do their jobs correctly when they join Toyota” Within the next 12 months Sensei Shingo would onboard the local workers and make them the most successful team ever in Toyota’s history. What was the secret? In this seminar, sensei Ritsuo Shingo will talk about how to engage and motivate people in the workplace.   About Ritsuo Shingo  Sensei Ritsuo Shingo was the founder and the president of the first Toyota plant in China. He joined Toyota in1970 and took various management roles at Toyota group worldwide including NUMMI and Kentucky plants in the US as well as UK, Japan and China. He is known inside […]


قوانين القيادة: خارطة طريق للقيادي الناجح


القيادة علم  يمكن تعلمه بالممارسة فالقيادة لا تتم بشكل عشوائي بل يحكمها خارطة طريق تتضمن مجموعة من القوانين المنظمة والتى لا يقبل النقاش فيها. برنامج"قوانين القيادة: 21 قانون لا يقبل الجدل في القيادة" يشرح هذه القوانين بالتفاصيل، وكيفية إستخدامها، الأوضاع المناسبة لتطبيق هذه القوانين وآليات تطبيقها، وكيف يتم تقييمها لتساعد الأشخاص على تنمية قدراتهم القيادي وأن يكونوا قادة فعالون وناجحون.   نبذة عن د. عبير ناجم الراسب خربة 15 عاماً في التعليم العالي الأكاديمي والإداري متخصصة في التدريب، والتطوير والاستشارات قدمت العديد من البرامج والورش والجلسات في القيادة، الإدارة، السلوك التنظيمي، التفكير التصميمي، نماذج تصميم الأعمال، ريادة الأعمال، والتطوير الذاتي، القيادي، والمهني. مدربة، كوتش، ومتحدثة دولية معتمدة من فريق جون ماكسويل العال يم للقيادة مدربة دولية معتمدة في ريادة الأعمال، التفكير التصميمي، ونموذج تصميم الأعمال من جامعة ستانفورد مدربة دولية معتمدة من الأكاديمية العالمية للتدريب والتطوير (GATD) لندن مدربة دولية معتمدة من برنامج "تحدي القيادة" العلمة المعتمدة "The Leadership Challenge" Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM (Cairo Time) Book Event


Unstick & Accelerate your organizational’s transformation through Kind Leadership


Is your organization’s transformation stalled or stuck? Moving much more slowly than leadership anticipated or wants? Is it stuck in some areas, and moving too slowly in others? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are not alone. Over time, many organizations find that progress on transformation slows, and even stops, causing frustration, disappointment and wasted time and money. In this webinar, you’ll find out how and why Kind Leadership is the key to successful transformation. You’ll also learn specific Kind Leader Practices that you can put into immediate use to help get your organization’s transformation unstuck and moving again. Kind Leadership is the key to learning, growth and transformation! About Karyn Ross Karyn is on a mission to Help People Create a Kinder, Better World. An award-winning author, Karyn’s sixth book, The Kind Leader: A Practical Guide to Eliminating Fear, Creating Trust and Leading with Kindness is a must read for everyone who leads people at work, at home and in the community. An artist, internationally acclaimed speaker, consultant, and coach, Karyn is the owner of Karyn Ross Consulting and The New School for Kind Leaders. She is also the Founder and President of The Love […]


Chartering Events to Guarantee Winning Results for your Teams


Many businesses are looking to create sustainable process improvements in response to changing market conditions. Leaders know that their people are the key to unlocking the breakthroughs that they seek. How can they ensure that their people will have a winning experience? Through a highly effective chartering and planning process.   Takeaways: Understand the four chartering elements and how they set up the team for a win How to engage leadership through the chartering process Locking in the win using the Wheel of Sustainability Review of a typical planning cycle   About Adam Lawrence: Adam Lawrence is the Managing Partner of Process Improvement Partners, LLC. He has 30+ years of experience in process improvement activities, targeted at manufacturing and business processes. Having facilitated 300+ Kaizen events in multiple industries around the world, Adam aligns with leadership, engages teams, and creates sustainable results. Adam has mastered the use of many different process improvement methodologies, allowing him to implement the best strategy for each organization’s goals and objectives. He develops sessions that are fun, engaging, and laser-focused. Adam is 100 percent committed to ensuring the team has a winning result and a fantastic experience. Married to his wonderful wife, Peggy, for 30 years, they […]


بشكل عملي Lean Six Sigma كيف تختار وتنفذ مشروع


تعتبر منهجية الـ Lean Six Sigma واحدة من أشهر مناهج التحسين المستمر والتي ظهرت في القرن العشرين، ولا تزال العديد من الشركات حول العالم تستخدمها حتى الآن نظرًا لفاعليتها في حل المشاكل وتحسين العمليات سواء الصناعية أو الخدمية وعلى الجانب الآخر فشلت العديد من الشركات في تطبيقها أيضًا نظرًا لأسباب عدة منها: الاهتمام بالأدوات الخاصة بهذه المنهجية فضلاً عن الاهتمام بتطبيق المنهجية بشكل منهجي وعملي وتبنيها كأسلوب تفكير وفلسفة للشركة في هذه المحاضرة سوف تتعرف على: نشأة منهجية الـ Lean Six Sigma المراحل الخمسة لمنهجية Lean Six Sigma الخطوات والأدوات الموجودة في كل مرحلة كيف تختار مشروع Lean Six Sigma في شركتك الخطوات العملية لتنفيذ مشروع Lean Six Sigma في شركتك نبذة عن محمد الشحات محمد الشحات هو Lean Six Sigma Coach ومؤسس Lean Six Sigma LAB ، لديه 12 سنة خبرة عملية، حيث عمل في شركات محلية ودولية في مجال هندسة الإنتاج، وإدارة الجودة، والتميز التشغيلي حاصل على درجة بكالوريوس هندسة الإنتاج من جامعة الإسكندرية، ثم حصل على درجة الماجستير في إدارة الجودة من الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري يعد Certified Six Sigma Black Belt من الـ American Society for Quality وحاصل على شهادة Lean Knowledge من Society for Manufacturing Engineers حاليًا هو مسئول عن إدارة التميز التشغيلي […]


Why Even Bother With Continuous Improvement?


The answer to this question will vary from organization to organization. For some, it is all about cutting cost by reducing head count. For others, it is just the latest fad that they have heard about from their business colleagues. For many, this question remains unanswered. Tucker and the Kaas team believe that work, when done right, feels a lot like hobby and that this is an ethical question, not a business one. About Tucker Kass Tucker is the GM assistant at kaas tailored, which means he is responsible for the performance of the operating system that the General Manager relies on to be able to optimize their organization. During the 8+ he has spent time serving nearly every part of the organization, which has helped him develop the knowledge and empathy necessary to sustain and improve the kaas operating system. In addition to his role as the GM assistant, Tucker also leads kaas tailored’s consulting firm, Truth Bit Pull LLC., where he gets to coach leaders to discover meaningful ways to make work feel more like hobby.  Outside of work, you may find Tucker coaching racers up at Stevens Pass with SPAC or roasting his own coffee.  Webinar   7:30 […]


What Agile can Learn from Lean Kata

When going Agile it is not uncommon for teams or organizations to stay on a plateau of going through the motions of Scrum or another agile method but not really growing their agile mindset, a sort of Zombie Scrum. In this talk Amanda Colliander will take you on her journey to explore how Lean Kata could help growing an Agile mindset while also asking if Lean Kata really is compatible with Agile. About Amanda Colliander Amanda is a Change Leader at Volvo Cars in Sweden who has led agile teams for 10 years and has used Lean Kata in an agile context for more than 5 years.   Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Riyadh Time) 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM (CET) Book Event
