التحول المؤسسي: خارطة طريق للنجاح

Building Trusting Teams: Why and How!


The key to high performing teams is the level of trust the team members have for the person leading them. In fact, team members who trust their leader are on average 2.3 times more engaged than those who don't. Employee engagement is impacted significantly by the level of trust that exists in a team which is why understanding the power of trust, how to build, and rebuild it when it has been damaged are so critical for organizational success. This is what I will cover in my brief talk.   About Abdurahman Afia Abdurahman is from the UK,holds an MA in Applied Linguistics and an MBA and has lived in KSA with his wife and 5 children since 2000. Abdurahman has held senior roles including  Director and Vice Director at a number of universities including: King AbdulAziz University, King Saud University, Saudi Electronic University and Dar Al Uloom University. With over 19 years of experience in leadership development, employee engagement and cross-cultural coaching Abdurahman has acquired a strong reputation for providing strong leadership and training to culturally diverse teams of executives, educators and private and government organisations. Abdurahman is the Co-founder and Managing Partner of i2i: a leading company in the region that specialises […]


القدرة على التكيف أساس للاستمرار والبقاء


سيناقش سامح المحاور التالية في الندوة: ١. في جميع الأزمات ، تظهر ”الرشاقة" كحاجة للبقاء لجميع المنظمات ٢. كيفية الحفاظ على الرشاقة كأساس لمؤسستك ٣. الأخطاء الشائعة التي تواجهها المنظمات عند التكيف مع نهج الرشاقة الرشاقة : Agility   نبذة عن سامح ناجي سامح لديه 25 عامًا من الخبرة العملية الشاملة لإدارة سلسلة الإمداد في شركات عالمية في صناعات متنوعة ؛ الهندسة والسيارات والمنسوجات. وهو مؤلف كتاب ‘Differentiated Enlightened Supply Chains’. شغل سامح عددا من المناصب القيادية منها مدير مدير التخطيط والإنتاج في Electrostar، ومدير سلسلة الامداد في Arafa والمدير التنفيذي لسلسة الامداد  لمصانع في مصر في   Electrolux و حالياً هو المدير التنفيذي للمنتجات الجديدة لسلسة الامداد في Electrolux أوروبا. سامح حاصل على MBA من الجامعة الالمانية في القاهرة، وبكالوريوس هندسة ميكانيكية من جامعة القاهرة. Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Cairo Time) Book Event


What Leaders Need to Know About Emotional Intelligence


Attendees will come away with new knowledge about: Why EIQ is vital for your success as a leader How to accelerate your EIQ development How to influence others to build their EIQ   About Douglas Lundrigan As a speaker/instructor/facilitator Doug is known for his ability to connect seemingly unrelated concepts, create “aha!” moments, and balance evidence-based learning with intangible  concepts. Raised on the prairies of Canada, Doug’s first opportunity to lead others was when he was selected as foreman of a landscaping crew at 16 years of age. Since then he has had many leadership positions and had responsibility for the work of up to 180 people. Doug loves to help people achieve their highest potential. He measures his success by how happy and successful people become after he coaches or instructs them. The majority (70%) of individuals he coaches achieve a job promotion within a year. Doug has developed successful leaders in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. His largest clients include the US Corps of Engineers in four states, State of Oregon, Eaton Corporation, City of Beaverton, Oregon Health Sciences University, and Leupold & Stevens. Volunteer service is an integral part of Doug’s life.  He has served in […]


Emerging from Crisis: The Destructive Trap of “Returning to Normal”


Sometimes, despite our best efforts, our organizations are hit with crises. One of the biggest mistakes leaders make in dealing with these crises, regardless of the type of crisis, is focusing on the very tempting approach of "getting back to normal". While there are few upsides to crises, one thing they do provide is an opportunity to change or get rid of bad practices that had emerged over time but were not addressed previously because we often resist change generally, and especially changes that might cause upset amongst key members of the organization. This talk points out the most obvious places to look for improvements following a crisis and provides practical tips on how those areas can be addressed to strengthen your organization moving forward.   About Tim London Dr Tim London is the Founding Partner of Dwyer + London Consulting Previously, he held roles such as Head of Organisational Innovation and Senior Lecturer at the University of Cape Town's Graduate School of Business, Director of Programmes (University of Cambridge, Director of Education and Teaching Fellow (Queen’s University Belfast, and other roles in the educational space. During his career, he has developed organizations and leaders in both the for-profit and […]


القيادة بنهج كايزن: دعم العادات التي تدفع ثقافة كايزن


القيادة تعتبر من أهم الأساسيات لنجاح خلق ثقافة كايزن. تنجح المؤسسات التي لديها قادة يستثمرون في مشاركة الموظفين ، كما انها تعمل باستمرار على تطبيق منهجية التحسين المستمر في بناء ثقافة كايزن. ستناقش الندوة : ما هي ثقافة كايزن العادات التي يجب ان يمارسها القادة دورة التحسين  المستمر   نبذة عن وليد مازن يمتاز وليد مازن بخبرته التي تتجاوز 15 عامًا في مجال تدريب وتوجيه موظفي الشركات على كافة المستويات في النظام الإداري المبني على وقف الهدر، ويعتبر هذا النظام اختصاص ياباني يهدف إلى القضاء على الجوانب التي يضيع على أثرها الوقت والجهد والمال. وتشمل القطاعات التي يتم تقديم الخدمات إليها تصنيع الأجهزة المنزلية، الأشغال المعدنية، الأغذية والمشروبات، الزجاج، البلاستيك، تخزين البضائع، بالإضافة إلى مختلف المنظمات الخدماتية والتعليمية. كما وعمل وليد في المملكة المتحدة والسويد والدنمارك وإيطاليا وألمانيا ورومانيا والمجر وبولندا ومصر والسعودية وقطر والامارات. يدير وليد مشاريع تدفع بعجلة التغيير وتسهل عملية التحسين في مجالات المشاريع المرشدة والتصنيع الرشيق ونشر السياسات وتطوير الصناعة الخالية من الهدر. وليد حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس في مجال هندسة النظم –الهندسة الصناعية من جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن في المملكة العربية السعودية، بالإضافة إلى درجة الماجستير التنفيذي في إدارة الأعمال من جامعة إمبريال كوليدج بالمملكة المتحدة. كما ويصنف من الأشخاص المؤهلين لمستوى الحزام الأسود […]


Lean Leadership – The Driver of Lean Transformation


Too often top leaders undertake Lean transformation without fully understanding what is required of them. As a result, efforts to transformation the organization suffer from basic mistakes, extensive re-work, and possibly failure. This webinar will describe some essential things that leaders must understand and do in order to be effective Lean leaders.   About Bob Emiliani Dr. Bob Emiliani has been a Lean practitioner and professor of Lean management for 25 years. Prior joining academia, he worked in industry for 15 years and had management responsibility in engineering, manufacturing, and supply chain management. Bob was part of a team responsible for implementing Lean principles and practices in both manufacturing and supply chains at Pratt & Whitney. He was the first academic to establish a research agenda focused on Lean leadership, resulting in numerous publications and varied leadership development workshops. Bob is a prolific, versatile, and award-winning writer whose publications span engineering, business, social sciences, and humanities. He has authored 22 books and dozens of research papers across six different disciplines. His work on Lean leadership and Lean as applied to higher education are widely recognized. Bob created an innovative, process-based understanding of leadership called “Speed Leadership.” His most recent work uncovers […]


Leading as a Coach


People are seeking human-centered leadership, meaning and connection as the world continues to define the new normal. There is tremendous anxiety and lots unknowns. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we lead as coaches. The lean community is properly positioned to take the lead.   About Crystal Y Davis Crystal Y Davis, is the CEO of The Lean Coach, Inc. where we help our clients to transform organizations by developing people into leaders,  to grow rapidly, without out running their capacity and to create and align  business and continuous improvement strategy.  Crystal is an experienced business process improvement consultant and leadership development coach with over twenty years of experience in the design, development, and implementation of Lean Business System solutions. Crystal has spoken at Lean Six Sigma and Operational Excellence conferences around the world. She has accumulated extensive domestic and international expertise in the design and implementation of lean solutions for automotive parts fabrication and assembly, life sciences, and consumer packaged goods industries. Crystal has assisted clients in formulating comprehensive business, operations, and supply chain strategies to reduce costs, improve customer service and drive revenue.  Throughout Crystal’s career, she was fortunate to serve as a Black Belt; be […]


القيادي الكوتش


ستناقش الندوة: - القيادة الفعالة هي التحدي الحالي - ما هو الكوتشنج وما علاقته بالقيادة؟ - اطلق طاقات فريق العمل دون أوامر   نبذه عن عبدالله اليحيى *  مشرف في وزارة التربية والتعليم - جدة 2013-2006 * تدريب ما يزيد عن 350 كوتش معتمد من مختلف مناطق دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي * تقديم أكثر من 1300 جلسة كوتشينج للأفراد والمنظمات * قام بتدريب أكثر من 150 مدير تنفيذي على مهارات الكوتشنج القيادي. * معتمد من ICF كمقدم برنامج التدريبACSTH المستوى المتقدم من Octarium. *  خبير تربوي لمشروع الملك عبد االله للتنمية التعليمية (تطوير) بجدة (2012-2011) *  مدرب معتمد في تطوير مهارات الحوار والتواصل مركز الملك عبدالعزيز للحوار . * مستشار معتمد في حوار الأسرة. * أكثر من 17 عاما من الخبرة في المجال الاستشاري. * متحدث محترف في التحفيز * شارك في العديد من البرامج الإذاعية والتلفزيونية. Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Cairo Time) Book Event


Breaking Through to Flow


In your organisation: Are weekly plans ever changed after being issued? Is the prime focus of LEAN eliminating waste? Would “fire-fighting” be a term to describe the ways things are sometimes done? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions then you should come to this webinar. If you answer “yes” to all three questions then you really should come to this webinar.   About Ian Glenday Ian started his career as a microbiologist running a factory producing enzymes from deep-culture fermentation of bacteria. It was here that he began developing RFS concepts. After taking time out to gain an MBA he joined a pharmaceutical company where he led an MRPII project To Class A status. This experience offered Ian a valuable lesson in understanding why MRP batch logic inevitably causes short term plan changes and firefighting. Ian then moved to Reckitt & Colman’s where led a pan-European supply chain strategy based on the Lean concept of “every product every cycle,” before joining Colman’s of Norwich as head of policy deployment responsible for applying Lean thinking across the entire company. Ian currently helps businesses around the world make their own Lean transformations through his company Repetitive Flexible Supply Ltd. […]


Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn: People-Centered Leadership Skills to Create a Learning Culture


People-centered leadership is simple in concept, but harder in practice. A leader's role is simple: set the direction and support their people to achieve the necessary targets, all while continuing to develop their own skills at the same time. In this session, Katie Anderson will share specific examples of actions you can practice to both challenge and support your people, and achieve the outcomes your customer's need.   About Katie Anderson Katie Anderson is an internationally recognized leadership coach, consultant, and professional speaker, best known for inspiring individuals and organizations to lead with intention. She helps leaders at levels and organizations of all sizes to connect purpose, process, and practice to achieve higher levels of performance. Katie is passionate about helping people around the world learn to lead and lead to learn. She has deep expertise and experience leading and coaching change in a variety of industries and is highly regarded among experts in the lean leadership space. In 2015 Katie and her family moved Tokyo for an 18-month experience in Japan. What began as a connection filled with deep conversations evolved into a one-of-a-kind leadership book entitled Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn: Lessons from Toyota Leader Isao Yoshino on a Lifetime […]
