Many people now work from home. But they remain members of a work team. Until recently they would have met face-to-face to discuss work-related matters, share data and brain-storm improvements.
We will look at how the ‘Toyota Kata’ approach could become a central feature in a world of remote teams that collaborate on continuous improvement experiments. Our case study is a company with global clients that moved seamlessly from office work to remote work, whilst maintaining excellent team work under the guidance of team leaders and managers.
About Norman Faull
Norman Faull Emeritus Professor of Operations Management at the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town. In his academic career he conducted research and taught Operations Management, Operations Strategy, Supply Chain Management and Operations Strategy Implementation locally and internationally. He continues to supervise research by students of the Graduate School of Business. He currently serves on the Japan International Cooperation Agency Examination Committee for the Africa Kaizen Award.
He is the Founder and Chairman of the Lean Institute Africa (LIA), a not-for-profit company and member of the Lean Global Network. LIA promotes the effective use of lean in improving competitiveness and service delivery across many industries. Through LIA he offers conferences and workshops in the lean methodology and conducts applications of lean in areas in which it has not traditionally been applied.
A key emphasis over the past sixteen years has been in applying lean in public sector healthcare. Furthermore he has been involved in supplier development for large state-owned entities and has worked with financial institutions and their IT divisions. His current research is on implementing lean in large-scale systems.
He holds the following formal qualifications: BSc BEng (Aeronautical) Stellenbosch University MSc (Air Transport Engineering) Cranfield University UK MBA PhD University of Cape Town