The key to high performing teams is the level of trust the team members have for the person leading them. In fact, team members who trust their leader are on average 2.3 times more engaged than those who don’t. Employee engagement is impacted significantly by the level of trust that exists in a team which is why understanding the power of trust, how to build, and rebuild it when it has been damaged are so critical for organizational success. This is what I will cover in my brief talk.
About Abdurahman Afia
Abdurahman is from the UK,holds an MA in Applied Linguistics and an MBA and has lived in KSA with his wife and 5 children since 2000. Abdurahman has held senior roles including Director and Vice Director at a number of universities including: King AbdulAziz University, King Saud University, Saudi Electronic University and Dar Al Uloom University.
With over 19 years of experience in leadership development, employee engagement and cross-cultural coaching Abdurahman has acquired a strong reputation for providing strong leadership and training to culturally diverse teams of executives, educators and private and government organisations. Abdurahman is the Co-founder and Managing Partner of i2i: a leading company in the region that specialises in premium tailor-made leadership development solutions to improve performance and bottom line results.