“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence — it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. (Peter Drucker)
The real world is more complex than most leaders and organizations tend to admit. A learning organization adapts to the world’s complexity in three ways:
- By mobilizing people’s innate desire to learn.
- By developing systems thinking; and
- Through simplicity
Lean and agile involve organizational learning, but first and foremost leaders must learn how their own thinking and acting impact the culture of learning in their organizations.
About Bjarne Berg Wig
Author and sensei, Bjarne Berg Wig has more than 30 years of experience in quality management and Lean. He was Quality and Innovation Manager at Hydro Agri Europe. For the last 20 years, Bjarne has helped many Norwegian, international companies and public sector organizations transform into learning organizations. He has developed academic programs with Bergen University College in Quality Management and Lean leadership. Several hundred leaders have gone through his practical training with high impact on many companies and municipalities in Norway.
Bjarne is a founder of the Society for Learning Organizations in Norway, and has written 7 professional books which are used both in industry and in academic programs.