Leading Through Problem Solving
WebinarWhether you have problem solving tools and methodology in your organization or not, every person and team has to solve problems. How well you solve them, how quickly you solve them, and how consistently you solve them has a massive impact on your performance. The role of a leader in making this better ranges from being a good coach to setting a good culture to being an architect of your own system. We will explore key practices to help lead problem solving more effectively. About Jamie Flinchbaugh As founder of JFlinch, Jamie Flinchbaugh has helped purpose-driven leaders craft effective, resilient organizations at over three hundred companies. Leveraging more than thirty years of experience and helping build over twenty companies, Jamie collaborates with leaders and their teams to bridge capability, strategic, cultural, and systems gaps so they can safely span potential pitfalls and have a purposeful impact on their organizations. Jamie has helped leaders across a wide spectrum of industries, including healthcare, utilities, technology, consumer products, and professional services, including Harley-Davidson, Intel, Mars, Amazon, Crayola, Fidelity, and Whirlpool, among many others. Jamie is co-author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lean: Lessons from the Road and is the co-host of the podcasts Lean […]