Digital Transformation and Lean Visual Management

Conversations to Identify and Improve Your Organizational Knowledge Management


Dr. Cindy Young will discuss what knowledge management is and what you can do to use it to aid in organizational success. She will talk about the benefits of face-to-face conversations, illusions of conversational touchpoints, and how alignment of knowledge management within organizational silos can bring benefits to the organization and your customers. She will round out the webinar with an easy-to-follow lesson learned sharing format and provide and example as well as three key take-aways for your organization.   About Cindy Young Cindy Young is the founder of CJ Young Consulting, LLC, a knowledge management consulting firm; a managing partner of The MPlus Group as the knowledge management expert; and a curriculum developer and instructor with Leidos, a defense contracting company. Cindy retired from the Navy after 23 years after serving 8.5 years enlisted and the remaining years as a Surface Warfare Officer. She holds a doctorate in business administration, project management from Walden University with her doctoral dissertation Knowledge Management and Innovation on Firm Performance of United States Ship Repair. Cindy is the Past Chair of ASQ Tidewater, Section 1128 as well as Certified as a Project Management Professional, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, and Manager of […]


Leveraging Continuous Improvement with AI


Lauren will provide a business perspective on leveraging Continuous Improvement with AI. The webinar will tackle the rapidly changing business world, moving in the direction of AI (RPA, Machine Learning, etc.). While these new digital approaches are meant to improve, streamline, and standardize business processes, many organizations don’t realize that these approaches do not fix a “broken” business process.  Instead, these digital approaches will show how broken a process is faster than using the manual method. The best practice is to fix the broken processes, standardize them, and then use them digitally. About Lauren Hisey Lauren Hisey guides business owners and leaders on how to rapidly and efficiently get from point A to point B resulting in real progress and empowerment. She is not your typical consultant or coach. She uses a calming influence, Continuous Improvement, and Lean Six Sigma through regular conversations to help create significant change within any business. As an expert in Lean Six Sigma, Lauren helps businesses to improve profitability and culture to drive sustainable growth. She has spent 13 years living and breathing Lean Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement as a coach, consultant, trainer, and speaker with different sizes businesses, universities, podcasts, and various networking associations. […]


دعم ثقافة الجودة باستخدام منهجية كايزن


يمكن أن تعني كلمة "جودة" أشياء مختلفة لأناس مختلفين. ولكن لتقديم منتجات وخدمات عالية الجودة يعني تلبية توقعات العملاء الواضحة والضمنية. ثقافة الجودة الحقيقية هي بيئة يهتم فيها أعضاء الفريق بصدق بجودة عملهم، ويتخذون القرارات بناءً على تحقيق هذا المستوى من الجودة. هناك فرق بين تلبية المعايير التنظيمية للجودة وتعزيز ثقافة الجودة في الشركة، سوف نناقش في هذه الندوة  كيف يمكن لمنهجية كايزن ان تدعم ثقافة الجودة.    نبذة عن وليد مازن يمتاز وليد مازن بخبرته التي تتجاوز 15 عامًا في مجال تدريب وتوجيه موظفي الشركات على كافة المستويات في النظام الإداري المبني على وقف الهدر، ويعتبر هذا النظام اختصاص ياباني يهدف إلى القضاء على الجوانب التي يضيع على أثرها الوقت والجهد والمال. وتشمل القطاعات التي قدم وليد الخدمات إليها تصنيع الأجهزة المنزلية، الأشغال المعدنية، الأغذية والمشروبات، الزجاج، البلاستيك، تخزين البضائع، بالإضافة إلى مختلف المنظمات الخدماتية والتعليمية. كما وعمل وليد في المملكة المتحدة والسويد والدنمارك وإيطاليا وألمانيا ورومانيا والمجر وبولندا ومصر والسعودية وقطر والامارات. يدير وليد مشاريع تدفع بعجلة التغيير وتسهل عملية التحسين في مجالات المشاريع المرشدة والتصنيع الرشيق ونشر السياسات وتطوير الصناعة الخالية من الهدر. وليد حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس في مجال هندسة النظم –الهندسة الصناعية من جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن في المملكة العربية السعودية، بالإضافة إلى درجة […]


A3 Problem Solving & Decision Making

Online Instructor Led Training

Problem solving and decision making are essential skills in a world which is becoming more and more complicated, at an ever increasing pace. Learning how to effectively solve and prevent problems can help you save your organisations time, money, and resources. This online coaching and training programme is designed to develop your problem solving skills by applying the structured approach to an actual  problem you are  facing. The interactive sessions will provide insights and techniques to confidently solve problems in a way that is result focused and adds value to the organisation.   Objectives Work  through a real problem to develop problem solving skills Understand and practice the structured approach of problem solving Understand how to uncover the current reality of a problem Understand the importance of observation, careful inspection, fact-finding and developing a clear picture of the problem. Utilise different methods to identify the root cause Develop, evaluate and implement suitable and effective countermeasures How to sustain the improvement and standardise the new approach  Share knowledge  and experience from other  participants   STRUCTURE  4 coaching and training sessions, each session 2 hours Delivered over 4 weeks, 1 session per week The training session are on 21, 28 December  4, 11 […]


Statistical Thinking: How to Understand Variation, Make Better Decisions, and Improve Performance


في هذة الندوة سوف تتعرف على كيفية استخدام التفكير الإحصائي لحل المشاكل وتحسين العمليات بشركتك، والأطر والأدوات المختلفة لتنفيذ ذلك، وكيفية تحليل الانحراف بالبيانات وتوقع أداء العمليات في المستقبل ومن ثم اتخاذ قرارات سليمة تهدف لرفع مؤشرات الآداء بشركتك. سيشرح محمد البنود التالية خلال الندوة: لماذا يستخدم القليل من الناس التفكير الإحصائي أثناء اتخاذ القرار؟  أنواع المشاكل الأربعة في كل منظمة  حل المشكلات مقابل تحسين العملية نوعان من الاختلاف  كيف تقلل التباين في عمليتك؟  دورة تحسين العملية Arabic Webinar (بالعربي)   نبذة عن محمد الشحات محمد الشحات هو Lean Six Sigma Coach ومؤسس Lean Six Sigma LAB ، لديه 10 سنوات خبرة حيث عمل في شركات محلية ودولية في مجال هندسة الإنتاج، وإدارة الجودة، والتميز التشغيلي حاصل على درجة بكالوريوس هندسة الإنتاج من جامعة الإسكندرية ثم حصل على درجة الماجستير في إدارة الجودة من الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري يعد Certified Six Sigma Black Belt من الـ American Society for Quality وحاصل على شهادة Lean Knowledge من Society for Manufacturing Engineers حاليًا هو مسئول عن إدارة التميز التشغيلي بشركة Groupe SEB العالمية في مصر وقام بتأسيس Lean Six Sigma LAB في 2017 لنشر ثقافة التحسين المستمر بين الأفراد والشركات في الوطن العربي Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM […]


Lean Basics (Introduction into Lean)

Online Instructor Led Training

Lean thinking has become a widely adopted improvement approach that can greatly simplify processes, improve performance and add great value in both manufacturing and service organizations. Under the current circumstances, it became necessary to find better ways to satisfy customers, raise efficiency and reduce costs while dealing with the COVID pandemic and the new challenges it imposed. Our interactive and comprehensive workshop aims to ensure you possess the ability to utilise the purpose and concepts of Lean Manufacturing and improve the value stream in your organisation to create immediate and quantifiable improvements. Gain a practical understanding of how lean continuous improvement techniques can be implemented into your organization. This course helps you to practically apply techniques that cut waste and improve process efficiency.   Objectives Introduction into Lean Identify wastes and how they negatively impact profits, competitive edge and customer satisfaction. Recognise how lean directly addresses the elimination/reduction of operating costs, cycle time and non value-added activities. Make better use of employees’ time and brainpower in a team environment. Apply the right combination of Lean tools to solve a variety of business issues. Create visual management displays to improve communication and motivate staff. STRUCTURE  2 training sessions, each session 3 […]


How is Your Management System Working?


To understand what a Management System is or might be, first one must understand what a system is.  We briefly speak about the Baptist Management System (BMS) and its approaches to bringing the Right Care, at the Right Time, in the Right Place and that Right Cost.   About Skip Steward Skip earned an MBA and is experienced in diverse industries including automotive, machining, food, process, service and healthcare. He is a Shingo examiner, a Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), a Quality Management System Auditor, a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, and a certified Lean Champion. Mr. Steward is a certified trainer in TWI Job Instructions (JI), Job Relations (JR), and Job Methods (JM). He is an award-winning leader and author who has implemented streamlined business systems that deliver significant contributions to the bottom line, while increasing employee performance and improving productivity. Mr. Steward currently serves as Vice President and Chief Improvement Officer at Baptist Memorial Health Care headquartered in Memphis, TN where he develops, directs, and implements performance improvement activities identifying inefficiencies; implementing strategies to improve quality, service, and finances; and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence.   Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 […]


What are the key lessons to be learned from leading Healthcare transformation?


Healthcare is an industry that is steeped in traditional ways of doing business; transforming such a business to enable it to be more agile and focused requires attention to key building blocks if any hope of success is to be achieved. The proven keys to success: engaging the senior leadership and building their understanding and capability to be the ‘leaders as teachers’ in order to shape a new culture anchored in respect for people, and using systems thinking to understand the healthcare journey and value from a patient’s point of view.  In this session, you will be guided through the stories and steps of success by those who have proven accomplishment in this field in a real-world setting.   About Debbie Sears Barnard  Debbie Sears Barnard currently holds the position of Consultant, Joint Commission International and Transformation & Mindset, DPA Executive Coaching. Her passion for healthcare improvement has led her to collaborate with healthcare leaders, including clinicians and other providers from the bedside to the boardroom. Debbie has worked in and supported healthcare organizations internationally including, the North and South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Her experience includes: Over three decades in healthcare in a variety of practice settings […]


Ending the Age of Entitlement in Healthcare Organizations


Sharing some of their most invigorating case studies the DPA Executive Coaching team will explore the questions: o How can we move healthcare away from a system of entitlement to one that promotes value, eliminates waste while ensuring quality patient care? o Can the integration of lean management system and a financial rolling forecast system result in outcomes for patients, and caregivers while promoting innovation and fiscal responsibility. o The team will also share practical tips for building a culture of customer centric continuous improvement: - Using simple visual management tools, - Maintaining a focus on respect for people and - Building leadership capability at all levels to support innovation, and fiscal responsibility.   About Debbie Sears Barnard  Debbie Sears Barnard currently holds the position of Consultant, Joint Commission International and Transformation & Mindset, DPA Executive Coaching. Her passion for healthcare improvement has led her to collaborate with healthcare leaders, including clinicians and other providers from the bedside to the boardroom. Debbie has worked in and supported healthcare organizations internationally including, the North and South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Her experience includes: Over three decades in healthcare in a variety of practice settings including acute care, home health, […]


مبادئ التغيير الثقافي: بيئات العمل التي تغرس الإبداع والاستباقية


"الثقافة تلتهم الإستراتيجية في الإفطار والغداء والعشاء" بيتر دراكر إذا كنت تخطط لإجراء تغيير مؤسسي دون الأخذ في الاعتبار ثقافة العمل، وسلوك وعقلية الموظفين فإن التغيير محكوم عليه بالفشل. تعرف على قوة تؤثر على عملك لكن لا تظهر في بياناتك المالية.  ستتعلم في هذه الندوة اتخاذ خطوات لتطوير ثقافة عملك لتجعلها تقود أداء متميز وتخلق بيئة عمل إيجابية تزرع الإبداع والاستباقية.    نبذة عن حاتم العبكي حاتم العبكي مدرب قيادة واستشاري في التغيير الثقافي. كان عضواً من الاستشاريين الذين أحدثوا تحولًا في الهيئات الحكومية في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. يعمل حاتم مع أصحاب العمل والمديرين التنفيذيين لدعم تطوير قيادتهم وتوسيع نفوذهم. وهو مدرب معتمد ومؤسس شركة كينج فيشر، متخصص في التنمية البشرية ويتابع حاليًا درجة الماجستير في علم النفس المؤسسات في جامعة هارفارد. Webinar   7:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Dubai Time) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM (Riyadh Time) 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Cairo Time) Book Event
